Tuesday, December 15, 2009

SF Daily Devotional - I Know

I hope you find these words a comfort as you go through your day. Take Care!



Tuesday, December 15, 2009 Print Article  Print Article
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I Know
Mike DeVries The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth. John 1:14

There are perhaps no two more powerful words than the words "I know."
I know what you're going through.
I know what it is like.
I know how you are feeling.
I know.
We all long to hear those words, do we not? We all long to believe that there is someone, anyone, who knows what it is like - who knows what we are going through. When you find that certain someone who does know what it is like, doesn't it seem to change everything?
Some two thousand years ago, in a sleepy town in Judea, God did something revolutionary. Rather than offering a voice of concern to a weary world, God did something beyond what anyone could have ever dreamed or imagined.
Sponsor AdIn Jesus, the Word, the voice, comes to dwell among us.
In the incarnation, we celebrate the reality that God knows and cares enough about people that He chose to dwell among us in a very physical and present sort of way. The unseen God of Israelite history was now the seen God. The invisible made visible.
We are told in the Scriptures that in Jesus "we saw the glory of the one and only." In other words, Jesus was putting God on display. You want to see what God is like? You want to see how to live in harmony with the Creator? Look at Jesus. He is the way and the truth and the life.
In the incarnation is found a large message from God to you and me: I know.
I know what you're going through.
I know what it is like.
I know how you are feeling.
I know.
So wherever you find yourself this day, no matter what circumstances you may find yourself in, know that there is a God who knows. Feeling alone? He knows. Feeling overwhelmed? He knows. Feeling as if you just cannot go on? He knows. Feeling like there is no one who understands? He knows. He's been there too. In Jesus, He knows.
He knows. He knows. He knows.

Mike DeVries
spacer Mike DeVries is the teaching pastor at Sa'kred - a community of Jesus followers in Laguna Hills, California who are exploring what it looks like to embody the way and teachings of Jesus in this present culture. Mike is a thinker, reader, observer, listener, searcher, questioner, teacher, writer, and practioner, as well as a husband and father. You can find Mike blogging here http://awakening.typepad.com/.

© Mike DeVries all rights reserved.

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Monday, November 02, 2009

The things that inspire you to do more

This weekend I watched the hit movie "Milk" starring Sean Penn. If you do not know, this movie was about slain public official and gay rights activist Harvey Milk. No matter what your views are on homosexuality, this film is gripping and moving on so many other levels. This film speaks to us as human beings. We are all struggling for a good place for ourselves and families. It is always uplifting to see real passion at work. When a single mind and voice can move so many people to action in a great way, it is truly beautiful .

Look deep inside you and find your passion. You never know who or what you will inspire by speaking and acting from your heart. God gives us all a voice, talent and his strength to move forward and succeed.

I implore your to find the song within your heart and develop it.

"Milk" starring Sean Penn http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1013753/

Devotional -

Angels of God on Your Side

Bishop Keith Butler

For mine Angel shall go before thee, and bring thee in unto the Amorites, and the Hittites, and the Perizzites, and the Canaanites, the Hivites, and the Jebusites: and I will cut them off. Exodus 23:23 (KJV)

Much of what God said He did it through the ministry of angels. When the children of Israel went into the Promised Land as recorded in the Book of Joshua, they went up against the very first nation or group of people they had to drive out, and it was Jericho. The city of Jericho was surrounded by a wall so wide that six chariots could race side by side on top of that wall.

God told Joshua, "I want you to march around that wall once every day for seven days. On the seventh day I want you to march around it seven times and then blow the trumpet, and the walls will fall down." (Joshua 6:3-5)

But how is it that the walls fell down flat? When the people obeyed God and did what He said to do, guess who knocked the walls down? The angel that took them into the land to drive out the Amorites, Hittites, and the other "-ites" who were there. That land didn't belong to those "-ites", and God sent an angel to fight the battle for the children of Israel.

The Bible tells us that those who were under the Old Covenant do not have a better covenant that we do under the New Covenant. Whatever they had in the Old Covenant, we have it in the New Covenant and more (Hebrews 8:6). And the angels that fought those battles for God's people in the Old Covenant and knocked down walls, will fight battles and knock down walls in our covenant, too.

Remember that God said, "I'll send that angel to go in front of you. I'll send that angel to be with you. And I'll send that angel to take you into the place that's prepared for you, and he will fight for you."

Angels were involved in helping the children of Israel get back what the devil had stolen, And they will do the same for us today.

Scripture References: Joshua 6:3-5; Hebrews 8:6

Bishop Keith A. Butler is the founder and pastor of Word of Faith International Christian Center in Southfield, MI, and Word of Faith Christian Center in San Antonio, TX. Bishop Butler ministers extensively in churches, conferences, and seminars throughout the U.S. and abroad with an emphasis on instruction and no-nonsense, practical application of God's Word.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Work from home with direct sells

Due to the large number of layoffs earlier this year and beyond, many of us are looking for employment. Maddy Moo Creations is an excellent direct sells business to look into. They are a member of the Direct Selling Association (DSA) and offer the flexible of working from home and running your own business.


Please visit http://www.dsa.org/ for more work from home opportunities.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Rachel Maddow: The Nobel Prize & Obama Derangement Syndrome

Please take a few minutes to watch this very thought provoking video.

Bold colors, sharp lines, arrogant and unsure: Q & A with Atlanta's Robin Gillis



This e-mail was originally sent to the production company that creates the HGTV show Deserving Design.  My e-mail kicked back so I assume they are no longer taking applications.  I do feel I need to share my thoughts and testimony to my bloggng community.  I hope someone finds a little inspiration in this.  Thanks! 

Good Afternoon-
I would like to nominate for Deserving Design my Aunt.  Through the years my Aunt has been one of my biggest cheerleaders and advocates.  She is a pround and active member of Ben Hill United Methodist Church and Delta Sigma Theta sorority.  She was an educator for many years and was last a counselor at Price Middle School.  However, aside from all of her accomplishments I would like to highlight her for events of the past year.
In March of this year, my Mother passed away suddenly.  My brothers and I were at a loss for taking care of her funeral.  Without an afterthought, my Aunt handed over her credit card to take care of the expenses.  For this alone she should be commended but the story goes on. 
On Mother's Day weekend 2009, I was very ill.  I had a high fever and a terrible back ache.  I was to find out later in the week the backache was from a very large kidney stone.  After an ultrasound and CT scan, it was determined that I had kidney cancer.  The cancer was found on both my right and left kidney.  Due to the extent of the invasion, my left kidney and a portion of my right kidney were removed.  What do these events have to do with my Aunt?  Well, prior to my diagnoses I'd just moved from Atlanta back to my home town of Mobile, Alabama.  With my husband out of the country and my mother's passing, my daughter and I were quite alone.  My Aunt took us in so I could have the surgeries in Atlanta.  She gave us a place to live, feed us and took care of our every need from June 30,2009 until today.
I'm writing you this letter because I don't know if I will ever be able to repay her for what she has done.  My daughter and I will be returning to Mobile very soon with a new sense of family.  My Aunt has taught us what love and self sacrifice can be.  I never thought I would see that again after my Mother died yet here it is.
Please consider my nomination for Deserving Design, M.H. of Atlanta, GA.
Thank you so much for your time and I hope to hear form you very soon.

Hotmail: Free, trusted and rich email service. Get it now.

Tuesday, October 06, 2009

Experience the 3-Day walk for the cure!


Thursday, October 01, 2009

Women adopts, then returns child

From MSN and the Today Show online
She adopted a child - and then gave him up
Anita Tedaldi adopted a little boy, loved him, and raised him for 18 months before reaching a heartbreaking conclusion: They weren't bonding, and another family could give him a better home. "I loved him and I cared deeply for him," she said.

Before I move forward with prescription and medical assistance, I ran across this story today and wanted to share. This young mother of 5 and her husband adopted a baby and then later gave him up. I don't want to just move head first into my views. I would like to share a dialogue about this. Please read the article and feel free to post your comments.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Prescription assistance

Needing your medication and not being able to get it is a killer. Unfortunately, it is a tough reality many Americans must face.

The Partnership for Prescription Assistance may be able to help. This organization will screen your information and match you with the drug company or group in your area offering assistance. You can call toll-free 1-888-4ppa-now (1-888-477-2669) to see if you are eligible.
Independently, you can also call the company that makes your particular drug. There are times when they are able to send you medication at no cost to you. You can also contact your doctor's office and explain your situation. Doctors receive samples of many drugs from pharmaceutical salesmen that they give out on a regular basis.
My main thought here is that it NEVER hurts to just ask. It may be more than difficult to ask for assistance but until you can do it on your own let others help. I was told a long time ago that you can not deny others their blessing. If helping you is what they are called to do, you should not push them away. In turn, when you are called be ready.
I will have more prescription and medical assistance information in my next post. Until then, please read the following material concerning natural health ideas.


Thanks for visiting1

Monday, September 28, 2009

The Power of the Word Quit

I found this very interesting. I hope you will too!

"it's ok to Quit....."

Motivational Speaker - Veraunda Jackson

1. Quit arguing with people about the same old foolishness! Respect their position and keep it moving!

2. Quit telling people your secrets when you know they are not going to keep them! And if you keep telling them, then quit getting mad when they tell your secrets!

3. Quit trying to pull people on your journey who don't want to travel with you. Either they believe in you and value you...or they don't!

4. Quit complaining about things you can't and won't change!

5. Quit gossiping about other people! Minding our own business should be a full time job!

6. Quit blaming each other for things that in the big picture aren't going to matter three weeks from now! Talk solutions...and then implement them!

7. Quit eating things you know are not good for you! If you can't quit...eat smaller portions!

8. Quit buying things when we know we can't afford them! If you don't have self control, then quit going to the stores! Quit charging things, especially when you don't NEED them!

9. Quit staying in unhealthy relationships! It is not okay for people to verbally or physically abuse you! So quit lying to yourself! It is not okay to stay in the marriage for the children! Ask them and they will tell you that they really would prefer to see you happy and that the misery you and your spouse/partner are living with is affecting them!

10. Quit letting family members rope you into the drama! -Start telling them you don't want to hear it! Quit spreading the drama! Quit calling other relatives and telling them about your cousin or aunt! Go back to #5 minding your own business should be enough to keep you busy!

11. Quit trying to change people! IT DOESN'T WORK! Quit cussing people out when you know that they are just being the miserable and jealous people that they are!

12. Quit the job you hate! Start pursuing your passion. Find the job that fuels your passion BEFORE you quit!

13.. Quit volunteering for things that you aren't getting any personal fulfillment from anymore! Quit volunteering for things and then failing to follow through with your commitment!

14. Quit listening to the naysayers! Quit watching the depressing news if you are going to live in the doom and gloom of it all!

15. Quit making excuses about why you are where you are or why you can't do what you want to do!

16. Quit waiting on others to give you the answers...and start finding the answers for yourself! If what you are doing isn't working for you...then quit it!

17. Quit settling and start making your dreams a reality!- Quit being afraid and START LIVING YOUR LIFE! CREATE THE LIFE YOU WANT! If you want something different than what you have had in the past...you must quit doing what you have done before and DO something different! JUST QUIT IT ...... and START DOING something to create the experience you want!

Motivational Speaker - Veraunda Jackson

Sunday, September 27, 2009

When you need a friend....

Sometimes when we need a friend we can't find one. Over the last year, I have dealt with many departments, state agencies and hospitals all in attempt to take care of myself and my family. In the process, I have found a few links and addresses that may help.

I would like to cover over the next few posts: medical and prescription assistance, childcare, food assistance, job and career help, health care awareness and immigration assistance.

Yes, I have had to talk to quite a few people. I hope my posts help.

Have a great Sunday night and tomorrow morning let's tackle what I know about medical and prescription assistance.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Alkalizing your life

I have been reading " The Ultimate pH Solution" by Michelle Schoffro Cook (http://www.amazon.com/) and it is very intriguing. The idea is that by bringing the pH in your body to a more alkaline level (75/25)your body will naturally fight disease. Diseases thrive in a more acidic environment and thus can not maintain themselves in an alkaline one.

I addressed this issue briefly in a much earlier post but today I wanted to share a few recipes with you. Before I get into the recipes don't forget lemon water is your best friend. It not only is a natural cleanser but is an alkaline drink. If this is too tart for you, add some stevia as a sweetener.

This recipe and many others can be found on the Energise Alkaline Diet & Natural Health Blog


Stuffed Tomatoes (alkaline style)
Serves 2


2 nice big tomatoes
Half a small aubergine
A large handful of fresh spinach
½ onion
1/3 of a courgette
1-2 cloves garlic
1 tbsp. cold pressed extra virgin olive oil or avocado oil
Pinch of sea salt and pepper (pref Himalayan Salt)


Firstly, preheat your oven to 160°C (325°F). Next cut the aubergine and courgette up nice and small into little chunks and roughly chop the onion and garlic. Mix in a bowl with the spinach which you can either leave whole or tear roughly. Season this and add the oil and get your hands right in there to give it a good mix up.

Next top the tomatoes and scoop out the middle bit. Chuck the middle bit in with your other mix and mix it all around nicely. Now you need to carefully stuff this all back into the tomatoes.

Once you’re convinced not another tiny bit could fit into the tomatoes, put them into a large pan with about 80ml of water and cover it with a lid. Put this into your preheated over and cook for 15-20 mins. How easy is that?!

Pretty much everything is alkaline, not overly cooked and when served with a nice big salad makes for a nice healthy, alkaline meal!

The next recipe can be found on www.balance-ph-diet.com

Avocado Salad with Wild Garlic

Ingredients for 2 persons
1 avocado
1 bunch of wild garlic
3 tomatoes
1 red pepper bell
2 tbsp. of cold pressed extra virgin olive oil
Some sea salt or organic salt to taste
1 pinch of cayenne pepper

Cut the avocado and the pepper bell first in half and then in thin slices. Chop the tomatoes in cubes and put everything in a medium-sized bowl.

Then chop the wild garlic in very fine pieces and also put it into the bowl. Pour over the olive oil, mix well and taste with salt and pepper.

Finish! Enjoy your healthy alkaline salad!

Another glorious day

I recieved an e-mail response to my last post. I haven't asked her for permission to post the entire e-mail but I will enclose a portion.

"...our burdens are NOT ours to carry...they're Gods. What a great thing to know that our burdens are to be "light" in the Lord."

To be honest with you, I was going in a different direction with my statements. However, her statement expands on what is being said wonderfully. We are told so many times to take our troubles to the alter and leave them there but inevitable we bring them back with us on the ride home from church.

For many of use, it is a constant battle to hold onto our faith and not let the shadow of doubt consume us. If we were holding on to our faith, we would have left our problem at the alter. It would not have come back home with us and we would not be sharing this burden with our love ones to help shoulder.

I will end this with a cotinuation of the previous challenge. Today, take a leap of faith with your eyes wide open, a smile on your face and a warm feeling in your heart.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Wow..what just happened here?

Somehow, I have completely and unequivocally lost my way. I have been so focused on my problems (which are many) and I have forgotten about those in pain around me. I weep for others my heart goes out to them but inevitable I (yes I) always look for a shoulder to cry on. It is absolutely ridiculous.

I have been through a lot in the past year but my friends I have survived. I'm alive. My daughter is happy,healthy, beautiful,curious and ALIVE. My husband is alive. What is there to be upset about? Do I need to wallow in self pity, doubt and despair. No, but God help me sometimes I slip. And when I do, I slip hard.

Does it take a lifetime to undo what has been done? When I was younger (and not so young), it helped me to tell others what I was going through. I would feel better knowing that someone else could feel my pain and help me through the muck. What is going on here? I think about that person and I cringe. Unfortunately, old habits die painfully and ultimately very slowly. I'm not saying we don't all need an outlet or someone to help us through our sorry but channel it in a more productive way. This is not (for lack of a better phrase) a pity party.

The losses that I've suffered are mine alone, my burden to carry and again mine alone. There will be those in your life there to help cushion your path and wipe the sweat from your brow but they can not nor should they shoulder any of this burden for you. This yolk was given to you for a reason and a lesson can be learned from each trial and every adversity.

By "slipping" the way I do, my faith in God has weakened. It would appear that the shield that surrounds us all has a flaw. This is not the case. The shield does not have the flaw, I'm just not using it.

My challenge to myself and those in need is to hold on to you faith even when things seem the darkest. Hold fast when there is nothing else but that faith. What else can you do but prevail?

Monday, July 20, 2009

Okay..I'm off to a good start...And you?

So, I used my creative talents to post two How To articles and begin a new website.

All thanks to God, it has been a very protective and blessed day. I hope things are going as well for you all. Let's see if I can make things a little more challenging. Do you loose your temper at the same people, things and issues? Take a step back, breath and don't get angry but look at things from the other persons veiw point. Then I want you to write it out.
Good Luck and I'll see you tomorrow!

Friday, July 17, 2009

I beat the Peanut. Well for now :)

So, I did well for my first challenge. I went an entire 24 hours without consuming one peanut. Well, any nut for that matter. So, I am well on my way to kicking that bad habit. If I can get back on track and just consume the recommended amount of a handful of nuts per WEEK ,I'll be cool.
What is todays' challenge? I actually turned to my cousin for this one. Let's start a creative project, focus and if not finish it be well underway to a well developed end product. Let's see what we come up with!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Blast From the Past

I want to introduce this challenge as well. I initially posted this one in 2007.

1. write a list of 10 things that you love about yourself. 2. Write a list of 10 things that you would like to change about yourself or changes you would like to make (within reason!) and begin making those changes. No time limits, just mark the item off you list when you accomplish it.... are you up for the Challenge?

See ya!

Daily Challenge

Good morning everyone.

I have today's challenge in mind. Up for challenge is denial of an urge that you know is bad for you but we love it anyway. My down fall is food..especially snack food. The almighty peanut (Homer Simpson soundtrack in the background "mmmm peanuts") will be my downfall. I bought a large jar of Planters peanuts 2 days ago and guess what? You got it, empty! Today (actually for 24 hours), I will walk by that second jar without opening it or even taking a nibble of their DELICIOUS contents.

Wish me luck!

Attached is a little food for thought..hee hee!

Peanut Crunch Balls

1 cup sugar
1 cup evaporated milk
1 cup light corn syrup
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
5 cups corn flakes
2 cups crispy rice cereal
1 cup roasted salted peanuts

Preparation:In a medium saucepan, combine the sugar, evaporated milk, and corn syrup. Cook over low heat, stirring, until sugar is dissolved. Continue cooking, stirring frequently, until soft ball stage* is reached, or about 236° on a candy thermometer. Add vanilla. While syrup is cooking, in a large buttered bowl, combine cereals and peanuts; toss to blend ingredients. Add the cooked syrup, stirring with a wooden spoon to coat well. Refrigerate for 20 to 30 minutes. Coat hands with butter and form mixture into about 3 to 4 dozen 1 1/2 to 2-inch balls.
*To Test for Soft Ball Stage
A small amount of syrup dropped into chilled water forms a ball, but is soft enough to flatten when picked up with fingers (234° to 240°).

Thank you!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009
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Sharing Your FaithShaun King

"How much does a so-called Christian have to hate you if they really believe in Jesus, Heaven, and Hell and never tell you about it?" While those words may sound like they came from your local evangelist or pastor, they didn't. Not even close. Instead, they came from the mouth of one of the most famous non-believing atheists in the world, Penn Jillette, widely known as the bigger half of the performance group Penn & Teller.When I heard Penn make this statement it was like a kick in the gut. Let me tell you why. Penn made this statement after finishing a show. A very warm, sincere man waited patiently to meet with Penn and gave Penn a small Bible and told him very kindly how much he believed and valued the words inside of that book. Now, before you get too happy I want to tell you ahead of time that Penn still says he could care less about the Bible, but he was moved by earnest honesty and beliefs of a simple man that wanted to share his faith in God with someone that he admired. Not cliché, not judgmental, not snobbish, the man very plainly and simply shared his faith and it broke through Penn's very cynical exterior walls.When reflecting back on this encounter later that evening, Penn said that he wasn't even slightly irritated when the man shared his faith. Indeed, he said what troubled and irritated him even more than someone sharing a deeply held faith in God, was a man or woman that claimed to have a deep faith about a risen Savior, or an everlasting afterlife of Heaven or Hell, but thought so little about people that they never told them about it!Ouch! Strong words? Yes.But Penn is right.Either we don't really believe in an awesome Savior that chose the nails and the cross for us or we must hate people so much that we know this Savior for ourselves, but don't want anyone else to know Him.Who are you telling about Jesus? Better yet - who are you not telling about Him that really needs to hear His story and yours? Are you sure you believe in Jesus and in Heaven? If so, why not tell everyone you know about this amazing news we call the Gospel?One thing that I have learned over the past few weeks with the deaths of Michael Jackson, Steve McNair, Farrah Fawcett, Billy Mays, and others is that tomorrow just isn't promised and that we should never assume that we have another hour or another day or another random time to tell someone about our faith journey. Maybe they'll reject the Gospel and reject you and move on, but maybe, just maybe they won't. Maybe God will use you as a springboard into the heart of that person or that family that you need to talk with. Just understand this - our faith is not a private faith. It's not a secret, keep-it-to-yourself type of faith.It's a tell-the-whole-world-because-you-contain-yourself type of faith and people need to hear from you.Today, I dare you to start sharing your faith today and see what happens!
Shaun King is Lead Pastor of The Courageous Church in downtown Atlanta. A king of multi-tasking, Shaun is a proud husband, father of four, grad student, regular guest on NPR, and an avid blogger at ShaunInTheCity.com.
© Shaun King all rights reserved.
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Streaming Faith1100 Circle 75 Parkway, Suite 600Atlanta, GA 30339 US

Shrimp delite

Basil Shrimp with Feta and Orzo
1 regular-size foil oven bag Cooking spray 1/2 cup uncooked orzo (rice-shaped pasta) 2 teaspoons olive oil, divided 1 cup diced tomato 3/4 cup sliced green onions 1/2 cup (2 ounces) crumbled feta cheese 1/2 teaspoon grated lemon rind 1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice 1/4 teaspoon salt 1/4 teaspoon black pepper 3/4 pound large shrimp, peeled and deveined 1/4 cup chopped fresh basil
Preheat oven to 450°.
Coat inside of oven bag with cooking spray. Place the bag on a large shallow baking pan.
Cook the pasta in boiling water 5 minutes, omitting salt and fat; drain. Place the pasta in a large bowl. Stir in 1 teaspoon oil and next 7 ingredients (1 teaspoon oil through pepper). Place the orzo mixture in prepared oven bag. Combine shrimp and basil. Arrange shrimp mixture on orzo mixture. Fold edge of bag over to seal. Bake at 450° for 25 minutes or until the shrimp are done. Cut open bag with a sharp knife, and peel back the foil. Drizzle with 1 teaspoon oil.
2 servings (serving size: 1 cup orzo and about 5 ounces shrimp)

A Great New Appetizer

Yummy and quick
Thanks to everyone for support the last few weeks. I am that much wiser and closer to my goal because of you. The next few days are going to be nuts, a little exciting and a bit scary. However, I am confident everything will be fine!
I have included a few links and a wonderful “out of the box” recipe for those of you who need this quick, fast and in a hurry (and for my friend Reggie good, fast and cheap). I was always told you can never have all 3 but I beg to differ.
http://www.cancer.org (On this site you can find anything from support groups, individual and research funding and treatment updates.
1 glove of garlic
1 can of biscuits
2 large tbsp. of butter or you favorite butter substitute
Baking pan

Dice the garlic and place it in the pan with the butter. Your oven should already be set to the temperature suggested on the biscuit packaging. Once the butter has melted, remove the pan from the oven and add your uncooked biscuit dough.
These should be returned to the oven and baked per the package instructions.
Once done, you will have huge fluffy garlic biscuts you can use with dinner or eat alone.

Don't do this unless it is MANDATORY!

Magnesium Citrate
Hello all!

Well it is officially the day BEFORE "S" day. That being said it is Manesium Citrate day, ick! For those of you that do not know what this does, please..please look it up. I just can't go into detail. I am however very excited about starting this new diet plan or rather lifestyle change after surgery. A friend turned me on to the benefits of alkaline foods and water. I will add her e-mail in my next post. But for now, I have included a list of these foods. Per the Wolfe Clinic website you should balance 75% alkaline to 25% acidic foods on your daily diet.

Check out the list. I don't think this will be very hard to do.

VEGETABLESGarlicAsparagusFermented VeggiesWatercressBeetsBroccoliBrussel sproutsCabbageCarrotCauliflowerCeleryChardChlorellaCollard GreensCucumberEggplantKaleKohlrabiLettuceMushroomsMustard GreensDulceDandelionsEdible FlowersOnionsParsnips (high glycemic)PeasPeppersPumpkinRutabagaSea VeggiesSpirulinaSproutsSquashesAlfalfaBarley GrassWheat GrassWild GreensNightshade Veggies
FRUITSAppleApricotAvocadoBanana (high glycemic)CantaloupeCherriesCurrantsDates/FigsGrapesGrapefruitLimeHoneydew MelonNectarineOrangeLemonPeachPearPineappleAll BerriesTangerineTomatoTropical FruitsWatermelonPROTEINEggsWhey Protein PowderCottage CheeseChicken BreastYogurtAlmondsChestnutsTofu (fermented)Flax SeedsPumpkin SeedsTempeh (fermented)Squash SeedsSunflower SeedsMilletSprouted SeedsNuts
OTHERApple Cider VinegarBee PollenLecithin GranulesProbiotic CulturesGreen JuicesVeggies JuicesFresh Fruit JuiceOrganic Milk(unpasteurized)Mineral WaterAlkaline Antioxidant WaterGreen TeaHerbal TeaDandelion TeaGinseng TeaBanchi TeaKombuchaSWEETENERSSteviaSPICES/SEASONINGSCinnamonCurryGingerMustardChili PepperSea SaltMisoTamariAll HerbsORIENTAL VEGETABLESMaitakeDaikonDandelion RootShitakeKombuReishiNoriUmeboshiWakameSea Veggies
FATS & OILSAvocado OilCanola OilCorn OilHemp Seed OilFlax OilLardOlive OilSafflower OilSesame OilSunflower OilFRUITSCranberriesGRAINSRice CakesWheat CakesAmaranthBarleyBuckwheatCornOats (rolled)QuinoiRice (all)RyeSpeltKamutWheatHemp Seed FlourDAIRYCheese, CowCheese, GoatCheese, ProcessedCheese, SheepMilkButter
NUTS & BUTTERSCashewsBrazil NutsPeanutsPeanut ButterPecansTahiniWalnutsANIMAL PROTEINBeefCarpClamsFishLambLobsterMusselsOysterPorkRabbitSalmonShrimpScallopsTunaTurkeyVenisonPASTA (WHITE)NoodlesMacaroniSpaghettiOTHERDistilled VinegarWheat GermPotatoes
DRUGS & CHEMICALSChemicalsDrugs, MedicinalDrugs, PsychedelicPesticidesHerbicidesALCOHOLBeerSpiritsHard LiquorWineBEANS & LEGUMESBlack BeansChick PeasGreen PeasKidney BeansLentilsLima BeansPinto BeansRed BeansSoy BeansSoy MilkWhite BeansRice MilkAlmond Milk

Okay let's start over...

This is the first of several entries from my website, I felt it was important to share these before I move on. Thanks! :)

Walking on Faith- I will never forget 2009
On May 15, 2009, I was diagnosed with kidney cancer.
I have a mass on both my right and left kidney. The mass on my left kidney measures 3.5 x 2.8 cm and the one on the right is smaller only 15 mm. Doctor's say I'm quite lucky because they caught it early. How do I feel? How did they find the disease? What is my mental state? What will my daughter and I do? How do I know God the Father will always be there for us? WOW...where do I begin?
I would like to begin by saying that I am writing this and baring my soul to ask for help. I need a little advice from those who know about the disease. I need direction in finding the right resources to give me the knowledge. I also need some good fundraising ideas for my surgeries and after care. I also need therapy. Even just to begin makes me feel a little better.
My story:
Late last year my husband left the country to assist his aging parents. They were both ill at the time and needed a lot of help. Since then it has been a roller coaster ride making sure we can update his documentation to clear him for return. To date, this has not happened but we remain hopeful. At the time my mother had come to visit my
daughter and I to lend a hand. As you know, living in the Atlanta metro area can be quite trying for a single mother but my Mother was there to take care of things. After a few months we decided it would be best if we moved back home to Mobile, Alabama. We would be there just us girls together, helping each other.
After being there for only 3 weeks, I landed a job and was able to put my daughter in school. I really felt things were moving in the right direction. Unfortunately, on March 30, 2009 my mother passed away suddenly. Absolutely everything was in turmoil. Mayra and I were alone in basically a new city and worst of all my backbone my support was gone. I felt lost and hollow and just going through life with no real purpose. Each day was disjointed and weak. I was doing the things that needed to be done but only barely. I wanted to get in my car and just drive away. I wanted to disappear. There was one thing that kept me in place, my daughter. She keeps me motivated, moving and able to face the next day.
Now with almost a whisper, I have been thrust into a new reality cancer. I went to the Providence Hospital ER in Mobile suffering from extreme lower back pain, fever and a few other symptoms. During an ultra sound and a subsequent CT scan, I was told then I'd developed a rather large kidney stone. I was also told there was something else but a Urologist could better explain. After meeting with the Urologist on May 15th, I was advised if it weren't for the kidney stone the cancer may not have been discovered until it was too late.
When I tell you God is there, he is. When I tell you he works in mysterious ways, he does. The last eight months of my life have made me a much stronger person. I feel I can beat this and move on with my life. Unfortunately (that word again), I have such a strong desire to do this myself but on so many levels that is not possible. I can not do anything without the hand of God. I can not be so brazen as to strike out on my own and defy his will. I have listened to the doctors and they all say the same thing. I need
surgery. Unfortunately, I am leaning towards treating my health like a trip to a magnificent thrift store. Can we make a deal? Wow can I get this any cheaper? Maybe I can just make that purse myself! Oh, look at that Kenneth Cole bag for 2 bucks. Kidney cancer does not work that way. I want...well I need to do what is best not only for me but for my 4 year old daughter. Mommy needs the surgeries so we can move forward with the future.
Sometimes though, I feel my days are forced and I am still a shell just going through the motions. I have prayed and sought out guidance from the Lord.
I have been driven to write this all down and tell you this in the hopes my words will reach someone that has been there. Other than talking to doctors, I want to hear from a witness. I want to know about healthy food ideas that have worked for you, support groups if any and of course fundraising ideas. I will have two surgeries in a span of 6 weeks and will not be able to work for about 2 1/2 months. Things could get very very tight.
I have started a small drive on http://www.giveforward.org/walkingonfaith. 10% of everything I earn will go to the American Cancer Society. Without the money I will receive from the fundraiser, surgery will be impossible. My insurance coverage with my current employer is less than adequate and will not pay for my care. I do have the option of Cobra from my last employer. This will cover the surgeries but the payments are astronomical.
I will continue to add links for information I've found and check back with my progress. My hope is that what I learn and experience will be used to help someone else.
Thanks for listening and God Bless.
Do it as if there was fire in your skin. - Irish Proverb