Friday, September 25, 2009

Another glorious day

I recieved an e-mail response to my last post. I haven't asked her for permission to post the entire e-mail but I will enclose a portion.

"...our burdens are NOT ours to carry...they're Gods. What a great thing to know that our burdens are to be "light" in the Lord."

To be honest with you, I was going in a different direction with my statements. However, her statement expands on what is being said wonderfully. We are told so many times to take our troubles to the alter and leave them there but inevitable we bring them back with us on the ride home from church.

For many of use, it is a constant battle to hold onto our faith and not let the shadow of doubt consume us. If we were holding on to our faith, we would have left our problem at the alter. It would not have come back home with us and we would not be sharing this burden with our love ones to help shoulder.

I will end this with a cotinuation of the previous challenge. Today, take a leap of faith with your eyes wide open, a smile on your face and a warm feeling in your heart.

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