Monday, July 10, 2006

I suck and I know it....

Okay Okay Okay---yes it has been a while and I feel drained. I'm a slacker and unable to commit. I'm sure you can guess I'm not doing so well on my diet(big surprise). So, what do I do? How do I make that change? I really thought I knew. Okay listen to this ..I will do some pilates tomorrow and some ab work. Baby steps right :) And I'll try to write a bit more. This was supposed to be my therapy, right. Lets see I said I was going to start the d.a.s.h diet about, oh 3 weeks ago. Well, better late than never. Lets go for tomorrow! I have a doctor's appointment on Wednesday. I'll give you more than. What did tigger say.. TTFN tay tay for NOW! :) :P


R. Alan Smith said... you said, one more day to change, right?

K.Girl said...

You don't suck. You can do this. For example someone I know has a family and were worried about his smoking. He tried to quit and guess what... he succeeded. Next year February/March will make it a year. I'm Pretty sure you know who I'm talking about!