Sunday, June 25, 2006

June 25,2006

Today is day "1" in Just one more day to make a change. Everyday is a blank canvas and it is up to you to make a change.

My burden, of the moment, is my weight. I am truly disgusted with myself. By writing this I want to help myself and whomever else may be reading!

I will post pics recipes and words from others. Please feel free to comment...Helpful criticisms only!

I'll be talking to you soon

Phyl B.


R. Alan Smith said...

Good luck on your Blog venture... Ill be here along the way

K.Girl said...

Hey. My opinion is, if your 400 lbs and sitting on a couch all day everyday, then yeah, anyway would probably eventually get disgusted. Menawhile, try making the best out of it. Tell yourself, "yeah i look hot, but i'm going for dead sexy. this is R.Alan's oldest, peace.