I addressed this issue briefly in a much earlier post but today I wanted to share a few recipes with you. Before I get into the recipes don't forget lemon water is your best friend. It not only is a natural cleanser but is an alkaline drink. If this is too tart for you, add some stevia as a sweetener.
This recipe and many others can be found on the Energise Alkaline Diet & Natural Health Blog

Stuffed Tomatoes (alkaline style)
Serves 2
2 nice big tomatoes
Half a small aubergine
A large handful of fresh spinach
½ onion
1/3 of a courgette
1-2 cloves garlic
1 tbsp. cold pressed extra virgin olive oil or avocado oil
Pinch of sea salt and pepper (pref Himalayan Salt)
Firstly, preheat your oven to 160°C (325°F). Next cut the aubergine and courgette up nice and small into little chunks and roughly chop the onion and garlic. Mix in a bowl with the spinach which you can either leave whole or tear roughly. Season this and add the oil and get your hands right in there to give it a good mix up.
Next top the tomatoes and scoop out the middle bit. Chuck the middle bit in with your other mix and mix it all around nicely. Now you need to carefully stuff this all back into the tomatoes.
Once you’re convinced not another tiny bit could fit into the tomatoes, put them into a large pan with about 80ml of water and cover it with a lid. Put this into your preheated over and cook for 15-20 mins. How easy is that?!
Pretty much everything is alkaline, not overly cooked and when served with a nice big salad makes for a nice healthy, alkaline meal!
The next recipe can be found on www.balance-ph-diet.com
Avocado Salad with Wild Garlic
Ingredients for 2 persons
1 avocado
1 bunch of wild garlic
3 tomatoes
1 red pepper bell
2 tbsp. of cold pressed extra virgin olive oil
Some sea salt or organic salt to taste
1 pinch of cayenne pepper
Cut the avocado and the pepper bell first in half and then in thin slices. Chop the tomatoes in cubes and put everything in a medium-sized bowl.
Then chop the wild garlic in very fine pieces and also put it into the bowl. Pour over the olive oil, mix well and taste with salt and pepper.
Finish! Enjoy your healthy alkaline salad!