Needing your medication and not being able to get it is a killer. Unfortunately, it is a tough reality many Americans must face.
The Partnership for Prescription Assistance may be able to help. This organization will screen your information and match you with the drug company or group in your area offering assistance. You can call toll-free 1-888-4ppa-now (1-888-477-2669) to see if you are eligible.
The Partnership for Prescription Assistance may be able to help. This organization will screen your information and match you with the drug company or group in your area offering assistance. You can call toll-free 1-888-4ppa-now (1-888-477-2669) to see if you are eligible.
Independently, you can also call the company that makes your particular drug. There are times when they are able to send you medication at no cost to you. You can also contact your doctor's office and explain your situation. Doctors receive samples of many drugs from pharmaceutical salesmen that they give out on a regular basis.
My main thought here is that it NEVER hurts to just ask. It may be more than difficult to ask for assistance but until you can do it on your own let others help. I was told a long time ago that you can not deny others their blessing. If helping you is what they are called to do, you should not push them away. In turn, when you are called be ready.
I will have more prescription and medical assistance information in my next post. Until then, please read the following material concerning natural health ideas.
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