Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Devastation in Haiti
By now, I know you have heard of the earthquake that hit Haiti on Tuesday. From what I've seen and heard, the destruction is unimaginable. While listening to the news, I was directed to visit the website below for organizations accepting charitable contributions. If you have not already done so, I urge you to at your earliest convenience.
For those of you that really know me, times have been difficult but I will make every effort to do what I can to help those in need. If you have access to this e-mail you are far more fortunate than those in Port-au-Prince tonight.
If you hear of any other legitimate aid organizations, please pass the word along. I am also looking for any organization that may be taking clothes and shoes to those that need them.
Thank you and please continue to pray!
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
SF Daily Devotional - I Know
Having trouble reading today's word? View the ONLINE VERSION here.
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Monday, November 02, 2009
The things that inspire you to do more
Look deep inside you and find your passion. You never know who or what you will inspire by speaking and acting from your heart. God gives us all a voice, talent and his strength to move forward and succeed.
I implore your to find the song within your heart and develop it.
"Milk" starring Sean Penn
Devotional -
Angels of God on Your Side
Bishop Keith Butler
For mine Angel shall go before thee, and bring thee in unto the Amorites, and the Hittites, and the Perizzites, and the Canaanites, the Hivites, and the Jebusites: and I will cut them off. Exodus 23:23 (KJV)
Much of what God said He did it through the ministry of angels. When the children of Israel went into the Promised Land as recorded in the Book of Joshua, they went up against the very first nation or group of people they had to drive out, and it was Jericho. The city of Jericho was surrounded by a wall so wide that six chariots could race side by side on top of that wall.
God told Joshua, "I want you to march around that wall once every day for seven days. On the seventh day I want you to march around it seven times and then blow the trumpet, and the walls will fall down." (Joshua 6:3-5)
But how is it that the walls fell down flat? When the people obeyed God and did what He said to do, guess who knocked the walls down? The angel that took them into the land to drive out the Amorites, Hittites, and the other "-ites" who were there. That land didn't belong to those "-ites", and God sent an angel to fight the battle for the children of Israel.
The Bible tells us that those who were under the Old Covenant do not have a better covenant that we do under the New Covenant. Whatever they had in the Old Covenant, we have it in the New Covenant and more (Hebrews 8:6). And the angels that fought those battles for God's people in the Old Covenant and knocked down walls, will fight battles and knock down walls in our covenant, too.
Remember that God said, "I'll send that angel to go in front of you. I'll send that angel to be with you. And I'll send that angel to take you into the place that's prepared for you, and he will fight for you."
Angels were involved in helping the children of Israel get back what the devil had stolen, And they will do the same for us today.
Scripture References: Joshua 6:3-5; Hebrews 8:6
Bishop Keith A. Butler is the founder and pastor of Word of Faith International Christian Center in Southfield, MI, and Word of Faith Christian Center in San Antonio, TX. Bishop Butler ministers extensively in churches, conferences, and seminars throughout the U.S. and abroad with an emphasis on instruction and no-nonsense, practical application of God's Word.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Work from home with direct sells
Please visit for more work from home opportunities.
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Rachel Maddow: The Nobel Prize & Obama Derangement Syndrome
Bold colors, sharp lines, arrogant and unsure: Q & A with Atlanta's Robin Gillis
Good Afternoon-
I would like to nominate for Deserving Design my Aunt. Through the years my Aunt has been one of my biggest cheerleaders and advocates. She is a pround and active member of Ben Hill United Methodist Church and Delta Sigma Theta sorority. She was an educator for many years and was last a counselor at Price Middle School. However, aside from all of her accomplishments I would like to highlight her for events of the past year.
In March of this year, my Mother passed away suddenly. My brothers and I were at a loss for taking care of her funeral. Without an afterthought, my Aunt handed over her credit card to take care of the expenses. For this alone she should be commended but the story goes on.
On Mother's Day weekend 2009, I was very ill. I had a high fever and a terrible back ache. I was to find out later in the week the backache was from a very large kidney stone. After an ultrasound and CT scan, it was determined that I had kidney cancer. The cancer was found on both my right and left kidney. Due to the extent of the invasion, my left kidney and a portion of my right kidney were removed. What do these events have to do with my Aunt? Well, prior to my diagnoses I'd just moved from Atlanta back to my home town of Mobile, Alabama. With my husband out of the country and my mother's passing, my daughter and I were quite alone. My Aunt took us in so I could have the surgeries in Atlanta. She gave us a place to live, feed us and took care of our every need from June 30,2009 until today.
I'm writing you this letter because I don't know if I will ever be able to repay her for what she has done. My daughter and I will be returning to Mobile very soon with a new sense of family. My Aunt has taught us what love and self sacrifice can be. I never thought I would see that again after my Mother died yet here it is.
Please consider my nomination for Deserving Design, M.H. of Atlanta, GA.
Thank you so much for your time and I hope to hear form you very soon.
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Tuesday, October 06, 2009
Thursday, October 01, 2009
Women adopts, then returns child
Anita Tedaldi adopted a little boy, loved him, and raised him for 18 months before reaching a heartbreaking conclusion: They weren't bonding, and another family could give him a better home. "I loved him and I cared deeply for him," she said.
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